...Bilden som passerar obemärkt förutom en detalj som signalerar närvaro -
lämnar öppet för inkännande - ger mig en intensiv känsla av kontakt med objekt eller person - förflyttar positionerna drar mig in i bilden - rum byter plats - innesluten i ett lugn betraktar jag en spegling av det sedda - av världens ögonblickliga tillblivelse - registrerat återkastat med hjälp av ljuset - fascinationen är total - evigheten är Nu...
" PUNCTUM - The image that passes unnoticed except for one detail that signals the presence - leaving open the empathetic - gives an intense feeling of contact with objects - moving positions draws me in - room change place - enclosed in a sense , I regard a reflection of the seen / experienced - the world's instantaneous creation - registered re-cast using memory / expression / light - the fascination is total - being is Now ...

"Man's need to express themselves in image / shape / writing etc is a form of survival strategy - it is often her way to recapitulate repressed experiences / memories and re giving them a chance to express themselves and become possible to carry through life as just memories positive and negative ones - art is thus a meeting and sharing of experiences between people - a necessity for the human being's well-being - my words ...
